Strange Bedfellows

You said she was
a walk-up start.

Her father set
the bloody greyhounds onto me.

And I still convulse
every time I hear a dog bark.

Come on, mate.
I'd do it for you.
Yeah, let everyone think
I'm a fairy.

We fill out the forms.
We send them in
to Canberra.

They register us
as a same-sex couple.

So then we're eligible
for the tax cuts.

They think they've got
a couple of sure-fire votes.

Everybody's happy.
Yeah, they're happy.
We're gay.

Well, just officially.
You know,
some public service dickhead

puts it in the computer,
and we're eligible
for the tax cuts.

End of story.
Mate, I really need you
to help me with this.

Just sign the paper?
Just sign the paper.
And no one will ever know.
Swear to God.
Sorry, mate.
I just can't do it.
[Telephone ringing]
Hey, Dad, it's me.

How are you, sweetheart?
I'm great, Dad.
How are you?

Oh, you know.
Got plenty
to keep me out of trouble.

Well, don't work too hard.
You always take on too much.
Gee, love, you're starting
to sound like your mum.

Someone's got
to look after you now.

Hey, Dad, I'm thinking
of comng up on the 21st.

Oh, that'll be great.
You'll be here
for the Firemen's Ball.

Um, okay.
I'm bringing Peter to meet you.
Yeah, well, it's about time
your old man was introduced.

My thoughts exactly, Dad.
Might even have to give
the old overalls a wash, eh?
