Strange Bedfellows

Same to you.
This here is Laurie,
Neil, and Anthony.

Everybody, Ralph.
Go on.
Sit, sit, sit.

Just trying to work out
where I know you from.

Did we meet
at the Old Glory Hole?

No, I'm pretty sure we didn't.
'99 Mardi Gras.
You were the one
in the fig leaf.

No, no, I doubt it.

Ralph is just up
from the country.

Yeah? You ride?
Do you have a bike?

Oh, yeah, yeah,
a Malvern Star, you know?

With the old Sturmey-Archer
three speeds?

how cute.

You blokes ride?
Yeah, I got
a '64 Panther.

Mine's a Ducati.
But I do like
Malvern Stars.

I've got an old Indian
in the garage at home

I've been meaning to fix
for years.

Anyone we know?
I'm a mechanic
by trade.

Well, I have
a sick Ducati.

I wonder if you could take
a look at it for me.

Oh, yeah, sure.
No worries.

You look like a man
who can dance.

Well, actually,
I had samba lessons
when I was 15.

It was a great way
to rub up

against strange women
without getting arrested.

Or strange men,
rub up against men.

So you swing both ways.
No, to the left, mostly.
Come with me.
Well, I was...
Come with me.
I really appreciate this,
you know?

No worries.
So, Ralph.

T ell us where you
and your friend

have been hiding out
all this time.

It's a little town
called Yackandandah.

You probably
haven't heard of it.
The Sleaze Ball.
