Stratosphere Girl

but I'm looking
forward to seeing you.

When are you coming?
I tried to reach
you on the telephone...

there is so much
I have to tell you.

I think, I'm
uncovering a secret...

I must be careful.
It wasn't easy for me either,
the first weeks in the club...

:43:27 know when I was new.
It happened to me as well.
They also put
glass into my soup.

But I nearly died, I had to be
in a hospital for a whole week.

I need to look for
another place to stay.

Yeah, maybe it's for the best.
It's very difficult to
find anything affordable.

But I might know of somebody.
And what should I
do with my money?

You can't just walk in and
open a bank account like that.

The tax authorities will
be onto you in no time.

We're working here illegally.
Don't forget that!

Don't worry, I know guy who
can take care of everything.

I don't feel like working
in the club anymore.

The police can send you back
and that is if you're lucky.

I once visited a
girl in jail...

He's got plenty of space...
and he doesn't even
have to pay any rent...

and he's so friendly.
Does he look
after your money?

Of can
really trust him.

So it's really safe?
Don't worry.

Over here...
