Super Size Me

and health woes were caused
solely by their McDiets.

The judge states, however,
that if lawyers
for the teens can show

that McDonald's intends
for people to eat its food

for every meal of every day
and that doing so would be
unreasonably dangerous,

they may be able
to state a claim.

Are the food companies solely
to blame for this epidemic?

Where does personal
responsibility stop

and corporate responsibility

Is fast food
really that bad for you?

I mean, what would happen
if I ate nothing but McDonald's

for 30 days straight?
Would I suddenly be
on the fast track

to becoming an obese American?
Would it be
unreasonably dangerous?

Let's find out.
I’m ready.
Super-size me.
I knew
if I was going to do this,

I would need some serious
medical supervision,

so I enlisted the help of
not one, but three doctors -

a cardiologist,
a gastroenterologist,

and a general practitioner.
You're feeling
quite well today, yes?

In general, any fatigue
or weight loss, weight gain,

any change in your vision?
No fever,
no earache, no cough

no shortness of breath,
no chest pain...
