Super Size Me

without even realizing it,
they're going for that pack
that they recognize

because it had
those nice feelings for them

when they were
little kids.

The same way here --
they're satisfied,
it's nice,

they remember
the warm feelings

of playing
and getting the toy,

being with mom and dad.
It's gonna carry through.
That's why
when I have kids,

every time I drive
by a fast-food restaurant,

I’m gonna
punch my kid in the face

Then we'll never
want to come.

One of the most disturbing
things to me

is that in the last
20 to 25 years,

we've actually seen a doubling
of overweight and obese
children and adolescents.

And this weight gain
has been linked

to countless health problems
later in life, such as...

In fact,
if current trends continue

one out of every three children
born in the year 2000

will develop diabetes
in their lifetime.

At least 17 million Americans
now have type 2 diabetes,

about one
out of every 20 people.
