Super Size Me

Comes in a box.
You heat it up.

Out of the course
of an entire month,

6 out of 36.
You're only cooking
6 out of 36 meals?

Appleton central
alternative high school

is filled with students who have
truancy and behavioral problems.

But they've turned
things around --

not through discipline,
but through diet.

We were fortunate
to kind of stumble across

this healthy program
as a result of some contact

with natural oven and bakery
of Manitowoc Wisconsin,

and they believe
in low-fat, low-sugar,

non-chemically processed foods
that are free of dyes
and preservatives,

full of whole grains,
a lot of fresh fruits
and vegetables.

We do no beef here at all,
and then it's the method
of preparation,

where we don't fry.
A lot of baking
and then just fresh preparation,

as opposed to opening cans
or thawing things out
from the box.

We got rid of candy machines,
soda machines,

brought in bottled water,
and it was just a situation

where we saw a major change in the kids.
If you walk through these halls,
and you're here,

these do not look like at-risk,
out-of-control kids.

Their behaviors are better.
They seem to be more focused.
Teachers will tell you
that they get more
out of them in the class.

Keep in mind,
this is not a private school.

These are the "trouble kids"
of the public school system

in Appleton, Wisconsin,
that are eating so well.

and it costs about the same
as any other
school lunch program.

So my question is --
why isn't everyone doing this?

There's an awful lot
of resistance

from the junk food companies
that make huge profits off
schools at the present time.

They don't want to get kicked
out of the school system.

They want to be there
to addict the children for life.

The soft drink companies,
especially, boast about

how they're contributing
to America's education,

but, in fact, what they're doing
is they're draining money
from the community

rather than contributing money
to the community

because the soft drink companies
