Suzie Gold

What about Anthony? You've
got to admit he's a good catch.

l can't see any reason not
to marry him.

You need a reason to get married.
not a reason not to.

What about your ambitions?
You've got a degree.

Why don't you do something
with it?

A degree in Art History
is not a career.

A degree's a degree!
When l was your age...
a woman had a
degree in gornicht.

Now. life is...
full of opportunities.
Don't throw them away.
-More soup?
-No. thanks.

But Sophie never worked.
She just wanted a husband.

Bubbela. a husband is work.
Sophie will find that out soon

But you've plenty of time.
You'll be fine.

-Here. have a piece of cake.
-Thanks. nana.

lt's all right. darling.

wear some more clothes
next time.

lf you show the merchandise before
the price is agreed...

you'll never make a deal.
Okay. so I wasn't going to rush
into marriage

but when I finaIIy got the caII
from Anthony SiIver.

I mean. he was every Jewish girI's

So I needed a new outfit.
-Loving the outfit.

it's what's inside that counts.

And a quick visit to the only men
in the world...
