Suzie Gold

-Yeah. nice.

When l get out of here. you know.
l'm gonna make some proper TV.

-l don't know what l'm gonna do.
-l reckon....

you got a future in singing.
So. we should go and
get a coffee then.

We could work on your routine.
Let's just say if you don't...
l got a tape of a little performance
that could find its way on to show.

lsn't that bribery?
No. it's blackmail.
See you downstairs in ten. yeah?
-What's your name?
-l'm Darren.

-l'm Suzie.
-Yeah. l know.

'Suzie Gold.
straight from her world tour.'

-Sure you're okay?
-Yeah. fine. l love the rain.

Okay. l've got one for you.
Rachel. Monica or Phoebe?
-From 'Friends'. yeah?

Kill Monica. shag Phoebe...
and marry Rachel.
You'd marry the spoilt Jewish

Yeah. because then l could
shag her every day.

You must know that Jewish girls
don't believe in sex after marriage?

-You're welcome.

l guess l'll see you at work

Here. are you gonna join that
golf club in Totteridge?

l don't know. This whole golf
thing sounds like one big schlep.

-lt's relaxing.
-Who needs to relax?

l've got enough problems
without being relaxed.

-Exercise is good for you.
-Exercise is not good for you.
