Suzie Gold

l did this.
And what l really wanted to do

That... was nice.
The next few months were a dream.
It was Iike I had another worId...
to escape to.
-Away from...
-Who calls during breakfast?

-Away from...
-lt's all about lip gloss.

Away from...
Turn that rubbish down.
l've got a chicken in the oven!

And especiaIIy away from...
You could do a lot worse than
Anthony Silver. let me tell you.

It even made photocopying fun.
And the fact that
it was a secret...

made it aII the more fabuIous.
But whiIe my worId was being
bIown apart...

Iife at the GoId househoId
carried on regardIess.

-Do you want a blow back?
-Fuck off. l ain't no poof.

-He never tidies his room!
-Oh. here we go.

lt's gonna be Yom Tov soon and
his room looks like Hiroshima!

l'm not asking you again.
l've told you...

anything on the floor goes!
Right. you want untidy.
l'll give you untidy.

You think this belongs
on the floor?!
