Suzie Gold

l've got enough on my plate without
the whole family finding out.

Okay. but when the foreskin
fetish has worn off...

and you're sitting in your Wallis
cardigan in your council flat...

with your six snotty nosed

waiting for some goyishe fella to
come from the pub and beat you up.

l'll try very hard not to say
'l told you so'.

-Will you visit me?
-Of course not.

Well. a friend in need
is one thing...

a friend in Battersea
is something else.

l knew l could rely on you.
-So lan's the younger one?
-lan's the older one with the baby.

-Chris is the little shrimp.
-No big deal.

lf you were meeting my parents we'd
have been rehearsing for weeks.

When am l gonna meet them?
-Hello. mum.

...So l pulled the dog off and
there she was.

Then l noticed that the dog had...
calmed down. and we could
get on with the show.

That old 'humping dog' routine.
-lt gets them every time.
-lt worked for you. bruv.

l've got no meat in my curry.
lt's because there's no meat
in the curry.

-lt's called vegetarian food.
-lt's Sunday!

Well. l didn't know if Suzie
practised kosher or not.

That's really thoughtful. thanks.
-Have you got brothers or sisters?
-One of each.

My younger sister's
about to get married.

And my younger brother's about
to find out he's not Black.

-Will that come as a shock to him?
-Yeah. big shock.

How does it feel having your
younger sister get married?

Oh. you know well...
maybe you don't.

lt all seems a bit more relaxed
round here than at mine.

Yeah. that's why l hang out here.
You should see my family.

l don't know what you mean.
Well. you don't give your kids
grief like my dad. do you?

Yeah. you don't seem to meddle
as much as my parents.

l just think if you hold on to the
ropes too hard in life...

you just end up burning your

Sometimes you've just got to go
where the wind takes you.

lf there was any chance my parents
were into sailing...

they'd definitely be the
'holding-on-to-the-ropes' type.
