
Come to eat, I layed the table downstairs.
Well, what? Your father?
Hey you, shut up.
How is it with the sisters?
Your sisters?
They are sitting in jail and crying.

Your dad came back and began drinking.
Has poured in almost a litre.
Come down, food is gettig cold.
Let's go eat.
I can't come to an agreement with
the police chief.

And give them up.
Yes, I can't.
Let's act with him...
:30:12 you do, like bolshevists do?
How's that?
- Let's shoot him.

How do we shoot him?
Our position is this...
He's coming to propose on Saturday.
To who?
- It's none of your business.

We have to organize an ambush.
At the hill.
There'll be 6-7 men with him.
Police men, not more.
They have an automatic, a machine-gun and...
and the rest stuff.
But there's only three of us,
can we do it?

Three you say?
