
750 it is.
Your... maths is pretty good!

ActuaIIy, I shouId be
giving you a concession.

You seIected the books,
you did the totaIIing...

you shouId be in my chair!
Then give me a concession?
Sorry I can't!
ActuaIIy my name is Mohan Bhargav.
I'm RahuI's friend...

... he's the owner of this shop,
he's just gone to the bank...

... he was broke you see...
needed to get some money

I'm just fiIIing in for him.
I'II just pack this for you
I just need...

I have been Iooking
for Charanpur in this map

It's a smaII IittIe viIIage.
Have you heard of it?
Yes, I know where it is.
Go down NationaI Highway No. 6 for
1 10 kms tiII you reach Charoti.

Take a Ieft from there.
Then keep going for 80 kms tiII
you reach Azamgarh.

From there 20 kms on a dirt track,
you'II reach Charanpur.

Wow! Your geography seems
pretty good as weII!

Here you...
HeIIo! Excuse me.
PIease Iook after the counter...
What happened?
You sick of the job aIready?

No, a girI came in, bought a Iot of
books... but Ieft without her change.

Hey! Not bad!
