
You made a profit for the company on the
very first day! You've got the job!

She was amazing!
She even gave me directions
to Charanpur!

Great, where is it?
About 200 kms from here.
Spare me Mohan. Don't expect me to
Ieave the store and drive you there.

No worries!
I'II need a car though.

Take mine.
- No, no. CouId I get a caravan?

Caravan? What for?
Don't know the conditions I'II have
to face in the viIIage.

Ok, ok Mr. NRI
(Non-Resident lndian)

You'll have your caravan.
Don't worry.

(Old Hindi film song)
Can you tell me which of these
paths will lead to Charanpur?

You have strayed from the path.
l've been following directions...

l must have taken a wrong
turn somewhere.

lt was your destiny to make
this mistake.

Charanpur is pretty far from here.
l'm headed in that direction.

lf you want,
l can show you the right path!
