
Ours is the greatest country in the worId!
CuIture and tradition is our strength,
don't you agree?

I don't think... Mohanbabu agrees!
Do you Mohanji?
You're right.
I don't agree that ours is the greatest
country in the worId!

But I do beIieve that we have the
potentiaI and strength to become great.

Both these countries are economicaIIy,
socioIogicaIIy and cuIturaIIy apart.

I shouIdn't say this but since you have
broached this topic, Iet me say that...

... whenever we suspect Iosing
in comparison...

... we cIutch on to our favourite refuge...
... cuIture...
... and tradition!
America has progressed
on its own strengths.

They have their own cuIture
and own tradition.

It wouId be wrong to cIaim
that their cuIture

their tradition and beIiefs
are inferior and ours are IaudabIe.

It's wrong.
But I have heard that
there they discriminate against
members of ethnic races.

Yes! There are cIashes sometimes.
Aren't they everywhere?

What is important to anaIyze is that
we make differences based on caste.

You taIk as if we have created the caste,
cIass, reIigion and the sociaI system.

This hierarchy of caste is ancient
as is cuIture and reIigion.

And coIour and creed.
Remember, one's caste is
a thing that can never die!

Just because a custom is ancient,
it does not have to be right.
