Taegukgi hwinalrimyeo

You're okay!
Okay, okay
You're fine
Please send my brother
to the hospital

I'll blow up their tanks or
bring you their commanders

I'll even carry a bomb
- into their camp
- There is one with an epileptic

Another has pulmonary tuberculosis
One in 3rd platoon has rheumatism

Another with with heart disease
And one with pulmonary tuberculosis

Need more?
Should I send them all?
Who'll fight then?

Life and death crosses
here every second
If you do
what you've said

and I can even send
your brother home!

I'll do whatever I can do
if I can send him home

That's the spirit we need
You have to give to
your country

before asking for something
Just for your information
it's been done before
There, a father and son
were in the same unit

who could send his son home
Wanna know how?
Wills are for dying people
You've got to be strong
I wish all this
would just be a dream

I want to wake up in my room
I'd tell you about this
over breakfast
