
Smile guys, you are filmed
I tell you guys if they don't show up in one minute
with their Mercedes,...

:23:06's going to be coffee, smoke and washroom.
we're going to do all that later man!
to all the snakes... no venom
until the mouse gets out of its hole.

I repeat no venom until the exit.
-No Petra, you disturb me now, I was in it.

but it's the minister.
-mr. the Minister, Aren't you at the airport? -We just finished, tell me Gibert.
what about that Mercedes gang, you told me about...
Yes, you cannot call at a better time, we just localised them at the moment.
we are going to act soon.

Good, wait a second...
I just talked to the german minister
I stop you there

They won't have the time to visit Marseille
tonight they are in jail, tomorrow I send the Nazzis back to in their country.
:23:49 a special cargo
...exactly I would't like to see this story end in
a shoot down between Germans and Frenchs

-the war is over Gibert.
-Ah certainly, Mr the Mister.

Perfectly, they are criminals
just like the others, they aren't treated differently

Maybe you should start by not calling them Nazzis.
-ah, I called them Nazzis?

-ah, I called them Nazzis?

I can count on you ?
Yes, don't worry, remember the Chineses

euh I mean the Asians.
everything went smoothly.

Almost no death
at least, not on our side.

Hello? Hello?
he hanged up !

you see it's easy.
-where are the cables.
-Shit, Marco! hurry up!

you move the car stupid
or you want me to bring you the keys?
