I've put labels on them
monday Veal, tuesday...
Ok mom, I promise, I'll be ok.
Maybe we should go now
I left the car alone, I worried. Good bye !
-ah kiss.
-kiss, kiss mom !
-and where are we going ?
-the Voltaire boulevard.
-i remember the police station but not IBM.
-we are going to the police Station.
I install computer there.
if you don't mind, I'm going to leave you just before?
I don't really like hanging around the pigs.
-tell me, it makes a nice sound
for a taxi. -you know that well ?
just a fan
it's a V6, a little bit modified.
a motor, it just ask to "sing"
eh don't sing too loud,
the speed limit is 50.
-ah you're talking about the signs
written 50? -Yes.
I thought it was for Skateboards.
No, no, I think it's for anything that drives.
there is drive and drive, you see I'm at 100
good car...
...good pilot, I'm relaxed
no risks.
I'm less dangerous at 100
then that shit at 20 km/h
you've seen it ?
Yeah I saw it yeah !
-you're not affraid of radars?
-We know were there are the radars.
Pigs doesn't like changes.
Always eating at the same place.
you're going to see, there is one just there.
You see them, they are stupid !
Picture ! Picture !
You know they can't do anything about it
they just obey the system.
They joined in
nobody forced them.
sometimes I guess they were forced to join
-'cause you need to be stupid
to join the police forces. -Look,...
...i see them alot
...because of the computers.
the image I had of them is false.
oh yeah? it's worst then we hear of then?
No. it's better. There is not
just Dumb Ass in the police forces.
ah Yeah, there is also Alcoolics, crooks, idiots !
between us...