The 24th Day

I took the bottle to my lips
but I didn't drink anything.

See, the truth is confusing.
I think the "true truth" is,
you're bombed.

I think we've done enough
talking for tonight.

You're gonna take advantage
of my drunken state?

Is that what you want?
I definitely have to get drunk
or I wouldn't be able to do this.

You don't have to do anything
you don't want to do.

What is it you want?
I want...
I need to take a piss.
Stay right there, okay?
You're very lucky.
Why is that?
If I wasn't so horny, I would have
been out that door ten minutes ago.

I'm totally kidding.
No, you're not.
You're right, I'm not.
Hello, my love.
You're still awake.
I caught my second wind.
You're up real late
for a school night.

Hey, did you try and leave
a message?

It doesn't sound like
you're still at Winston's.

Isabella, don't give me
a hard time.

Is it the guy we were talking to,
the cutey with the green eyes?

Yes, the cutey.
Is he cute rich guy?
He's a cook.
He lives at Ninth and "A" and
from the looks of his place...

if he is rich, he's done
a splendid job of hiding it.

-But he is a cutey?
-Yes, he is.

I'll be in your office by nine
to go over the pitch?

Dan, can you hear me?
