The 24th Day

Is there a problem?
Is there something burning
in there?

I overcooked a steak.
It's all right.

I just need to open a window.
It's all right.

-You're sure?
-Yeah, it's fine, thank you.

Thanks for the concern.
I'm not crazy. I know what I did
and I know why I'm doing it.

I want you to know that.
I'm not crazy.

I don't care why you did
what you did...

what you gotta do right now
is let me go.

My roommate knows where I am.
Remember Isabella from the bar?

When I was getting the messages,
she picked up.

I told her you lived
on Ninth and Monroe.

Now, when I don't
come home tonight...

and I miss my very important
meeting in the morning...

she's gonna wonder where I am,
she's gonna knocking on your door.

There's a big difference between
telling her I live on Ninth Street...

and telling her I live
at 453 East Ninth Street.

I told her 453 Ninth Street.
I mead a mental note when
we walked inside the building.

She knows exactly where I am.

You should start writing things
down. We're in Building 412.
