The Assassination of Richard Nixon

Mr. Maestro, Leonard Bernstein,
tape number one.

Mr. Bernstein...
I have the utmost respect for you.
Your music...
is both pure and honest.
And that is why I have chosen you...
to present the truth about me to the world.
My name is Sam Bicke.
And I consider myself a grain of sand.
On this beach called America...
there are 211 million grains of sand...
three billion on the beach we call Earth.
If I am lucky...
the action that I am about to take...
will show the powerful...
that even...
the least grain of sand...
has in him...
the power to destroy them.
These come in brown?
We do have that in a brown.
And a harvest gold. And an avocado.

Give me three of the brown and an avocado.
Are you interested in that chair?
This is a Naugahyde,
very good for avoiding stains.

I look like that big a slob?
I can't sit on this plastic stuff.
I get sweaty and stick to it.

This doesn't come in leather, huh?
