The Assassination of Richard Nixon

These, you listen to.
While you're driving. While you're shaving.
While you're taking a shit in the morning.
You gotta believe, Sam.
This book right here will really teach you
to believe in yourself.

This book right here
will really teach you techniques.

These will make you a salesman.
I guarantee it.
The salesman who believes
is the salesman who receives.

Remember, power is a state of mind.
You have as much as you think you have.
If you don't think you have any, you don't.
Talk about yourself as you see yourself.
And someday that will be yourself.
The salesman must see himself as a winner.
The salesman who believes
is the salesman who receives.

- For crying out loud.
- Hi, Mel.

Did you see your brother?
- No.
- He just walked out, just now.

So, how's it going? What're you up to?
I just came by to give this.
This is what I owe him...

and if you could just get that to him for me,
I'd appreciate it.

Come on, Sam.
Julius felt bad how things turned out.

Why don't you stick around
till he gets back?

He didn't go home?
No. He just ran out to the bank.
He'll be right back. Sit down.

- I really got to go.
- Sit down.

I can't sit down, Mel,
but it's very good to see you.

Don't be a stranger.
