The Assassination of Richard Nixon

All right, Mr. Jones.
Sir, can I show you
some of our other very nice...

All right, then. Yes.
You looked like
you're gonna shit your pants.

You're on the board.
- You see him write that check?
- He did it to me, we do it to you.

Fifty-fifty all right with you?
- Sure.
- Good job, Sam.

It's not lying. It's business.
But it's not right.
I should have said something on the spot.

No, you shouldn't have.
What are you saying,
that I should swallow something like that?

It makes me sad that you would
accept something, of all people.

Sam, I'm just saying it's not that big a deal.
It is a big deal.
Bonny, if we're going to be partners...

we have to get this kind of thing straight.
Sam, I get it. Okay? I've been there.
But this guy's your boss.
If he wants to be an asshole,
you might just have to let him do.

- But, Bonny...
- There's no "but," Sam.

- What about my rights?
- You've got a right to be mad, sure.

Exactly. That's what I'm saying, partner.
That's all I'm saying.

Sam, it's a job.
This is what I mean.
A man doesn't give up his rights at a job.

A man doesn't give up his rights anywhere.
You of all people should know that.

What should I know? 'Cause I'm black,
I should mouth off to my boss?

All this rights shit. Rights this, rights that.
Rights, my ass. It's a job.
You got a right to pay your bills,
pay for your kids.
