The Assassination of Richard Nixon

In the mail then?
A nation, like a person, has to have
a certain inner drive in order to succeed.

In economic affairs that inner drive
is called a competitive spirit.

Whether this nation stays number one
in the world's economy...

...over 40 rounds from the hotel's rooftop.
The sniper, former Navy seaman...

Mark Jimmy Essex,
had testified in his court- martial...

For his part,
Allende vowed he would not give in.

He would not, he said, "Betray
the working classes. " In the end he found...

Who are these men, Maestro...
who keep us waiting at their feet?
The meek shall not inherit the earth.
The earth belongs to the bullies
who do not care how they get to the top...

as long as they arrive.
I am an honest man, and if that
is to be my undoing, then so be it.

But I will not go quietly.
You've just got to have
a little more patience.

It's all about money.
It ain't all about money.
