The Brown Bunny

I haven't heard from her. She hasn't called.
I don't know why she hasn't called.
I wish I knew why.
The bunny looks so small still.
She's had that bunny rabbit a long time.
That's the cutest bunny.
Where do you live now?
I live in Los Angeles.
Daisy and I lived together in Los Angeles.

We have a small house and....
-Do you have any children?
-No, we haven't had children.


We were going to have a baby.
And what happened?
I don't know.
I don't know what happened.
Who are you?
I don't remember you.
-You don't remember me?
-No, I don't.

I grew up next door. I remember you.
I lived right next door.
I'm Daisy's friend from childhood.
And then we lived together in California.
You visited us once. Do you remember
when you came to California to visit us?
