The Butterfly Effect

I can’t help it,
I’m just so proud of you.

Dad er..
Did Jason get good grades?
He got straight As without touching the books.
It’s one area where memory never fails him.
Did he ever say like he figured out
a way to recall his lost memories?

Years after the blackout happened?
Why you asked?
No, I just figured being just a brain and all.
Looks like I would think that he would figure out
a way to remember stuff that he forgot.

Well, he was at your age,
almost exactly at your age..come to think of it.
..he said he figured out a way
he could remember his past.

I could tell if they were real memories
or just his imagination.

Then, just before he got so bad, to be institutionised.

He said he could...
What did he do?

Forget it. It’s nothing.
He was far to sick by then.
Come on, mum, what did he said that I get there?
What you say as amuse?
No, Mum, come on.
Come on son, it will be fun.
All right it's your dough.
Give me your hand, young man.
So this is the trick.
Have you ever have your palm hand read before?
No, it's the first time,so be gentle please.
