The Butterfly Effect

If the scar on my stomach
did'nt come out of nowhere

..maybe my father wasn't
as crazy as I thought.

If I can make scars,
do I have the power to heal them?

What about Kelly's scars?
I wan't wanting to be in the movies anyway
It was cold.
So I wanted to wear my clothes.
..but Mr Miller
..took my shirt off.
I got an idea.
Lets go down to the basement.

Looked more like a dungeon down there.
A little light here.
Hey, what did I tell you about keeping the door shut?
But I wanted to see.
See the back of my fist in two seconds
if you don't do as I tell you.

Now, and this part of the story
Robin Hood had just married Maid Mariane.

..and they have to kiss
and stuff like growups do.

So, take off you clothes Kelly.
Come on, like we take a bath.
Don't make a big deal out of it.
You too Evan.

Come on lets go, lets go!
We're making a movie here.

Puts your hands on your ears Kelly.
