The Butterfly Effect

I know has guilty you feel
about the woman and the baby.

Evan, stop it.
It's not the time.

Now's the only time.
Today is your chance to redeem yourself,
to start all over with a clean slick.

What are you talking about?
Evan are you crazy?
Please, if you ever trust me before,
trust me on this one.

Cut the rope.
Come on!
Listen to me good Evan.
I will do whatever you want.
You don't want me to see Kelly again, fine.
Just let Croquette go.

Besides, you kill him now,
they'll send you over to juvenile for sure.

And I know you doule never leave your sister
alone with your father.

Lenny, No!!
Oh my God, Lenny.
I said cut the rope.
It's all backward.
Who did it?
Son of a bitch ...
Lenny, No!!
