The Butterfly Effect

..because for some reasons unknown to you
it reminded you of your step-sister.

..or that you have an orgasm,
your toes go numb.

I'm sure all your clients
told you perfectly that.

You know..
I just thought you should know.
Know what?
That you were happy once.
..with me.
You know, there is one
major hole in your story.

There is no fucking way
in this planet, or any other

..I would ever be in this fucking sorority.
You were happy then.
Oh you are crying.
You sure you don't need your wallet?
No, I don't need it where I'm going.
Why you're off to change
everyone's life again. Is that it?

Maybe next time you'll pop up in some mansion
..while I end up in Tijuana doing some donkey act.
You know, I'm over it.
Everytime I tried to help someone,
..everythings just goes to shit.
Don't give up now, slick.
Hell, you've already done so much for me.
Why don't you go back in time
and save Mrs Harben and her baby?

And then maybe, Lenny wouldn't freak out
and ruin my family.

No, go back to when I'm seven
..and fuck me for my
Daddy's video camera.

Straighten me out abit.
You're on my bed, get out!
Buddy, I thought you're OK
when you're being sick and all.
