The Chronicles of Riddick

Imam, pray for us.
It was confirmed
two seasons back. Yes.

They're coming here.
I mean, are we next?

Militants storm--
Yes. But going to the underground
shelters if it happens--

You're right.
That's what I thought too.

Are you staying or leaving?
It's the end of everything.

Well, my neighbors--
Half my street is gone.

What are we gonna do?
I don't know. I don't know.

Hood of the devil.
That's what someone called 'em.

Them? Who is them?
Some kind of new creature--

This is nonsense.
It's all nonsense.

So tall that it touches the clouds.
And there's nothing around
this statue, this colossus.
Nothing left.

It's their calling card.
Did you know all your doors were locked?
Five years ago,
I took two people off that planet--
A kid, Jack,
who everyone else thought was a boy,;

and a holy man...
searching for New Mecca.
Your wife--
She's in the shower.
I told one man...
Where I might go.
I showed trust to one man.
