The Chronicles of Riddick

So they do go topside...
To swap out air.
Who the hell are you?
When it happens, it'll happen fast.
Stay on my leg when I cut fence
or stay here...

For the rest of your natural life.
Nobody outs this place.

He ain't "nobody."
Good news first.
Talked things over with my amigos here.

We'll cut you in for 77 5K.
Well, all right.
What's the bad news?
They close the local whorehouse?

No. The bad news is worse than that.
Much worse.

Our pilot, he saw this.
It crossed a shipping lane.

Any idea what this might be?
Never saw nothin' like it.
This ship charts back
to Helion Prime.

You know, Anatoli's
got a nose for trouble,

and he thinks
trouble follows you here.

Look. We dusted our tracks
and got the hell outta there.

There is no way
we didn't lose them.

This is my prisoner. Mine.
