The Cookout

Ingen ved hvem jeres far er.
Hvad kalder du dem her?
Og en kog løs...

er ikke en kog løs uden dem.
Jeg bliver nødt til at spørge,
hvad er kog løs?

Det er når familien samles.
Kan du se dem derude?
Vi samles.
Vi danser.

Vi griller kød.
Vi deler sladder.

Vi synger. Vi kan spille domino, kort.
Vi har det godt.
Det er...
Det er ikke rigtig.
Leroy, brug et underlag.
Du ødelægger bordet.
Du efterlod det herude til
offentlig brug.

Loven siger, at det indebærer
en risiko.

and they save money
on the water...

so they don't water
their lawn as much?

That's what the man
wants you to think.

How far away are we?
You go south
by my thumb...

and you make a right
at my pinkie...

and you go two inches.
Oh, wait. Oh, wait.
l got it upside-down.

This just don't
make no sense.

Give me the damn map.
Let me see.
l got it, Bling.

Wheeze! Wheeze!
l got it! l got it!
Let go!
What you doing, man?

Watch out for the cat.
So she got mad at me...
and she's gonna...
Shut the hell up.
Look what you made
me do to my car!

lf my arm wasn't
numb right now...

l'd knock your head off.
You're confusing me here.
