The Cookout

will take that next step
into the professional ranks.

Hi, everybody. l'm Marv Albert
here on the floor...

with a couple
of the game's best--

Elton Brand and Baron Davis.
Now, Elton,
is this kid Todd Andersen...

as good as the hype...
and can he turn around
a franchise?

Well, Marv,
if New Jersey selects...

Todd Andersen with
the number-one pick...

they'll be getting a kid
with tons of potential.

Guys that are in the pros
like myself, Baron Davis...

we're excited to see
what this kid has...

and really want
to take it to him.

A candid statement
from one of the game's best.

Now, Baron, does New Jersey
keep that number-one pick...

and take Todd Andersen?
There's been a lot
of rumors circulating...

that Mark Cuban
wants to move up...

and take Todd Andersen
with the number-one pick.

And we all know that when
Mark Cuban wants something...

he usually gets it.
So l'm pretty excited
to see what happens.

Yes, it is
always interesting...

to see if Cuban's whatever-
- it-takes attitude pays off.

We're just moments away...
for the doors to swing open
for the league's future stars.

New Jersey
is on the clock.

We'll be back with that
first pick after these words.

l got to use
the bathroom again.

Will you please
just relax? Now come on.

You're gonna be fine,
all right?

Todd, no matter
what happens here today...

no matter what happens...
you're always
gonna be number one...

in me and your daddy's eyes.
You hear me?

That's right.
Sorry l'm late.
l had to put on my face...
in case there's any cameras
or anything.

Baby, do you like my shoes?
What do you think about them?

l think that l needed
a really nice pair of heels...

and these got the little
stiletto thing going on. Cute?

Meet Brittany.
Mom? Dad? Oh, it is so nice
to finally meet you.

l have heard so much
about you guys.

Oh! l love your scarf.
Who is this by?

Uh, uh, honey...
Listen, this is
very odd, honey...

because we haven't heard
anything about you.

Oh. Well...
There will be
so much time...

for us to get
to know each other.
