The Corporation

I see the corporation
as part of a jigsaw

in society as a whole
which if you remove it
the picture’s incomplete.
But equally if it's
the only part

it's not going to work.
A sports team.
Some of us are
blocking and tackling.

Some of us
are running the ball

some of us are
throwing the ball.

But we all have
a common purpose

which is to succeed
as an organization.

A corporations
like a family unit.

People in a corporation work
together for a common end

Like the telephone system
it reaches almost

It's extraordinarily powerful
it's pretty hard to avoid.

And it transforms
the lives of people

I think on balance
for the better.
The eagle
soaring clear eyed

prepared to strike
but not a vulture.

Noble visionary majestic
that people can believe in

and be inspired by
that creates such
a lift that it soars.

I can see that being
a good logo

for the principled

Okay guys
enough bullshit.

Corporations are
artificial creations.

You might say
they’re monsters

trying to devour as much
profit as possible

at anyone's expense.
I think of a whale.
A gentle big fish
which could swallow you
in an instant.

Dr. Frankenstein's creation
has overwhelmed and
overpowered him.

As the corporate form
has done with us.
