The Corporation

The word corporate gets
attached in almost

you know in a
pejorative sense to

and gets married
with the word agenda.

And one hears a lot about
the corporate agenda

as though it is evil
as though it is an agenda
which is trying
to take over the world.

Personally l don't
use the word "corporation "

I use the word business.
I will use the word
use the word company.

I will use the words
business community

cause I think that is a much
fairer representation

than zeroing in on just
this word corporation.

It's funny that I've taught
in a business school

for as long as I have
without ever having
been asked so pointedly

to say what I think
a corporation is.

... it is one form of
business ownership...?

It's a group of individuals
working together to serve

a variety of objectives.
The principal one
of which is earning large

growing sustained
legal returns

for the people who
own the business.

The modern corporation has
grown out of the industrial age.

The industrial age
began in 1712

with an Englishman named
Thomas Newcomen

invented a steam driven
pump to pump water

out of the English coalmine
so the English coalminers

could get more
coal to mine

rather than hauling
buckets of water

out of the mine
It was all about productivity
more coal per man hour.
