The Corporation

Even someone living under
a banyan tree is dependent

on support from someone.
Economic leg has to be
addressed by everyone.

It's not just
a business issue.

But unlike someone
under a banyan tree

all publicly
traded corporations

has been structured
through a series
of legal decisions

to have a peculiar and
disturbing characteristic.

They are required
by law

to place the financial
interests of their owners

above competing interests.
In fact the corporation
is legally bound

to put its bottom line
ahead of everything else

even the public good.
That’s not
a law of nature

that's a very
specific decision.

In fact
a judicial decision.

So they’re concerned only
for the short term profit

of their stockholders who are
very highly concentrated.

To whom do these
companies owe loyalty?

What does loyalty mean?
Well it turns
out that

that was a rather
naive concept anyways

as corporations are
always owed obligation

to themselves to get large
and to get profitable.

In doing this
it tends to be more
profitable to the extent

it can make other
people pay for the bills

for its impact
on society.

There's a terrible word that
economists use for this

called externalities.
An externality is the effect
of a transaction

between two individuals.
Third party who
has not consented to

or played any role
in the carrying out

of that transaction
And there are real
problems in that area.

There’s no
doubt about it.

Running a business is
a tough proposition.

There are costs to be
minimized at every turn

and at some point
the corporation says
