The Corporation

Monsanto settled
out of court

paying $80 million
in damages.

But it never
admitted guilt

Sleeping in a motel
in Brewer Maine one night

I woke up with
terrible hay fever

and my eyes were burning.
And I looked out
at the river

and there were great
mounds of white foam

going right
down the river.

And the next morning
I got up and I said

My God what was
that happening last night

He said "Oh that’s
just the river".

And I said
"what do you mean?"

He said "Well look every
night the paper company sends

the stuff down the river."
And I said "What are
you talking about?"

And he said "Don’t
you understand?"

"That show we get rid of the
effluent from the paper mills."

Well I knew at that time
I had been in the business.

I had sold oil
to the paper mills.

I knew all the owners.
I had been in politics.
I knew the people
in the towns.

I knew not one constituent
of the paper mills

wanted to have
the river polluted.

And yet here the river
was being polluted.

And it was more or less as
if we created a doom machine.

In our search for wealth
and for prosperity

we created something that’s
going to destroy us.

The traders who are
involved in the market

are not guys
who are

whose moral fibre
when it comes to
environmental conditions

are going to be
rattled at all

They’re seeing dollars
and they’re making money.

Brokers don’t stay away
from copper

because it violates
their religious beliefs

or your environmental

There are times
when you think about it

but it's fleeting.
It really is
a fleeting moment.

It's like yeah
oh yeah yeah
