The Corporation

I’ve set up
front companies

that are executive
recruiting firms.

Essentially I’m a spy.
I'll locate
your employees

and I will tell them
that I’m calling

from Acme
Recruiting Agency

and that I’ve got a
job that pays them

considerably more than
what they’re paying.

Would they mind meeting
me for an interview?

And when the executive
shows up

what he doesn’t
realize is

I’m actually debriefing him
on behalf of a competitor.

That there is no job
and that the office

that he’s at
has been rented

and the picture on my desk
of my family is a phoney

and it's all just a big
elaborate ruse

to glean competitive
information from him.

I don’t feel any guilt.
It's you know what I mean
you have to expect

that guys like me
are out there.

We're predators.
It's about competition
it's about market share

it's about
being aggressive

and it's about
shareholder value.

What is your
stock at today?

If you’re a CEO
I mean do you think your
shareholders really care

whether you’re Billie
Buttercup or not?

Do you think that
they really

they would prefer you
to be a nice guy?

Over having money
in their pocket?

I don’t think so.
I think people want money.
That’s the bottom line.
The fact that most of these
companies are run

by white men
white rich men

means that they
are out of touch

with what the majority
of the world is.

Because the majority
of this planet

are not a bunch
of rich white guys.

They are people
of other colours

they are the majority.
