The Corporation

for Christ sake!
Now we couldn’t wait
for the bombs

to start raining down
on Saddam Hussein.

We were all excited.
We wanted Saddam to
really create problems

Do whatever you
have to do

set fire to some
more oil wells

because the price is
going to go higher.

Every broker was
chanting that

there was not a broker
that I know of

that wasn’t
excited about that.

This was a disaster.
This was something
that was you know

catastrophe happening.
Bombing wars
In devastation there
is opportunity.

The pursuit of profit
is an old story

but there was a time when
many things were regarded

either as too sacred or too
essential for the public good

to be considered business

They were protected
by tradition

and public regulation.
We can really begin to take
a look at the emergence

of the modern age with
the enclosure movements

of the great European
commons in the fourteenth

fifteenth and
sixteenth century.

Medieval life uh was
a collectively lived life

It was a brutish
nasty affair.

But there was a collective

People belonged to the land;
the land did not belong
to the people.

And in this
European world

people farmed the land
in a collective way

because they saw
it as a commons.

It belonged to God.
And then it was
administered by the church

the aristocracy
and then the local manors
as stewards of gods creation.

Beginning with Tudor England
we began to see
a phenomenon emerge

and that is the enclosure
of the great commons

by Parliamentary
Acts in England

and then in Europe.
And so first we began to
take the great landmasses

of the world
which were
commons and shared

and we reduced those
to private property.

Then we went after the oceans
the great oceanic commons
