The Corporation

Now this is a typical
prisoner card.

There are little boxes
where all the information
is to be punched in.

We compare this information
to the code sheet

for concentration camps.
And here you see
Auschwitz is one

Buchenwald is two
and Dachau is three.
Now what kinds of
prisoners were they?

They could be a Jehovah’s
witness for two

a homosexual for three
a communist for six

or a Jew for eight.
Now what was their stats?
One was released
two was transferred

four was executed
five was suicide
and six.
Code six

special treatment
meant the gas chamber
or sometimes a bullet.

They would punch
that number in

the material was tabulated
and the machines were set.
And of course the
punch cards by the millions

had to be printed.
And they were printed
exclusively by IBM

and the profits were
recovered just after the war

I really do believe that
particular accusation

has been fairly discredited
as a serious accusation.

They used equipment
that is a fact
but how they got it

how much co operation
they got

and any kind
of collusion

trying to connect dots
that are not connected

I think that’s the part
that is discredited.

Generally you sell computers
and they are used
in a variety of ways

and you always
hope they are

using the more
positive ways possible.

If you ever found out
they’re used in ways

that are not positive
then you would hope you
would stop supporting that

but you know do
you always know?

Can you always tell?
Can you always find out?
