The Corporation

He probably did know
after all he had
very few customers.

Watson didn’t want
to do it.

It was not because he thought
it was immoral or not

but because Watson
with a very keen sense
of public relations

thought it was risky.
It should not surprise us that
corporate allegiance

to profits will trump their
allegiance to any flag.

A recent U. S. Treasury
Department report

revealed in one
week alone

57 U. S. corporations
were fined

for trading with official
enemies of the United States

including terrorists tyrants
and despotic regimes.

:38:44 can roughly locate any
community somewhere along

a scale running all the way
from democracy to despotism.

This man makes it his job
to study these things....

Well for one thing
avoid the comfortable idea
that the mere form of
government can of itself

safeguard a nation
against despotism.

For big business despotism
was often a useful tool

for securing foreign markets
and pursuing profits.

One of the U. S. Marine corps
most highly decorated generals

Smedley Darlington Butler
by his own account

helped pacify Mexico
for American oil companies

Haiti and Cuba
for National City Bank

Nicaragua for the Brown
Brothers brokerage

the Dominican Republic
for sugar interests

Honduras for U. S.
Fruit companies

and China
for standard oil.

General Butlers services
were also in demand

in the United States
in the 1930s

as president
Franklin Delano Roosevelt

sought to relieve
the misery

of the depression through
public enterprise

and to offer regulation
on corporate exploitation

and misdeeds.
more power to you
President Roosevelt
