The Corporation

And as the corporation reads
the market differently

it can go back.
One day you
see Bambi

next day
you see Godzilla.

How do you define
socially responsible?

What business is it
of the corporation to decide

what’s socially responsible.
That isn’t
their expertise

that isn’t what their
stockholders ask them to do.

So I think they’re going
out of their range

and its certainly
is not democratic.

I don’t really care
what the chairman
of General Motors thinks

is an appropriate
level of emissions

to come out the tailpipe
of General Motors automobiles.

He may have a lot
of scientists

he may be
a very good person

but I didn’t elect
him to do anything.

He doesn’t have any
power to speak for me.

These are decisions that must
be made by government

and not by corporations.
You take this to its
logical conclusion.

One would have an image
that we are in fact at this

the end of the world
this nigh.

And we are all
completely brainwashed

and there is
no space left.

And I don’t believe
we're there yet.

And l think it's
really important

that we don’t
overstate the case

and that we admit that
there are cracks

and fissures in all of these
corporate structures.

And sometimes when
a corporation is concentrating

on one particular project
they look the other way

and all kinds of interesting
things happen in the corner.

It is the case in every period
of history where injustice

based on falsehoods
based on taking away the right
and freedoms of people

to live and survive
with dignity

that eventually when you call
a bluff the tables turn.

Ultimately capital puts
its foot down somewhere.
