The Corporation

As far as Wal-Mart
goes and Kathy Lee

pretty much everything returned
to sweatshop conditions

but because this was fought out
on television for weeks

this incident with Kathy Lee
Gifford actually

took the sweatshop issue
took every single part
of the country.

And so frankly
after that

there’s hardly a single
person in this country

who doesn’t know
about child labour

or sweatshops or
starvation wages.

So what wanted to do is
to look at the very roots

of the legal form that
created this beast

and wanted to think who
can hold them accountable.

They’re not
graven in stone.

They can be dismantled.
And in fact most
states have laws

which require that
they be dismantled.

For too long now
giant corporations
have been allowed

to undermine democracy here
in the United States

and all over the world.
But today the lnn National
Lawyer's Guild

and 29 other groups
and individuals

are fighting back.
We are calling upon State
Attorney General Dan Lungren

to comply
with California law

and to revoke
the corporate charter

of the Union Oil
Company of California

for its repeated
and grievous offences.

This is the statute
that is well-known.

It has been used.
It can be used.
What this will mean
is the dissolution

of the Union Oil Company
of California

the sale of its assets
under careful court orders

to others who will carry
on in the public interest.

This is nothing more
than a smear campaign.

This company has been part
of California’s economy

for over 100years
thousands of jobs.

Doesn’t mean it's never
made any mistakes
