The Day After Tomorrow

It's not a forecast modeI.
It's the closest thing we have.
Nothing Iike this has ever
happened before.

At Ieast not in the Iast 1 0,000 years.
As I predicted yesterday, the swell
off Hurricane Noelani is incredible.

These waves are even bigger
than I imagined. Just take a look.

ShouIdn't you be monitoring
the weather?

This is L.A. What weather?
Wait. What's that noise?
What noise?
Honey, I'II be right back.
The Coast Guard closed the beaches,
as waves have grown too big for....

-L.A. Weather Center.
-It's Tommy.

I'm in the middIe of something, Tommy.
What do you need?

There's haiI the size of goIf baIIs
coming down here.

A low-pressure system along
the California coast...

:24:31 creating a cyclonic system
across the L.A. Basin.

-Boss, turn on The Weather ChanneI.

I think we have to issue
a tornado warning.

What are you taIking about?
Palmdale and Lancaster are reporting
wind speeds in excess....

-HoId on a second.
-Conditions highly unusual for California.
