The Day After Tomorrow

Yes, I'm Iooking at it right now.
-Yes, it is.
-What's happening?

I'II caII you back.
Mr. President, Los AngeIes has been
devastated by a series of tornados.

On top of that, the FAA wants your
approvaI to suspend aII air traffic.

-What do you think we shouId do?
-UntiI we can figure it out. . .

. . .I don't think we have
much choice, sir.

What you're seeing is what's left
of downtown Los Angeles.

Hey, man, I just got off the phone
with my mom.

Excuse me, you guys. I'm reaIIy sorry,
but we need to change the channeI.

The FAA has grounded
all air traffic in the United States.

Unfortunately, the order came too late
for two planes...

...brought down by severe turbulence
in the Midwest.

-The first flight....
-So much for ""one in a biIIion. ""

AII right. AII right, Iisten up, everybody.
Listen up, pIease.

We've got a Iot of work to do,
and we don't have much time. . .

. . .so Iet's get started, pIease. Vorsteen?
AII our grid modeIs are worthIess.
I don't think grid modeIs
are gonna be a Iot of heIp here.

Canadians report tremendous circuIation
moving from the Arctic.

In Siberia, there's a Iow-pressure system
never before seen.

And AustraIia just saw
the strongest typhoon ever recorded.

-These things are interconnected?
-We have to consider the possibiIity.

The onIy force strong enough to affect
gIobaI weather is the sun.

-What's NASA have to say?
-We've aIready checked.

SoIar output is normaI.
-What about the North AtIantic Current?
-What about it?

I got a caII Iast night from
Professor Rapson at the HedIand Center.

He thinks the current has changed.
Oh, come on, Jack.
How couId that be?
