The Day After Tomorrow

We've got a fIameout on
the starboard side as weII.

Prepare for crash Ianding.
SeIect emergency fueI.
Come on, you bastard!
Come on!
What I'm about to say
is supposed to be confidentiaI.

SeveraI hours ago, three heIicopters
went down over ScotIand.

They crashed because the fueI
in their Iines froze.

-At what temperature does--?
-Negative 1 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

We had to look it up.
The temperature dropped
phenomenaIIy fast.

On the ground, peopIe froze before
they couId get out of their cars even.

Can you get a sateIIite picture
of ScotIand two hours ago?

We've got mountains of data. . .
. . .but nowhere near enough computer
power to anaIyze it. Can you heIp us?

Send us what you got.
We'II do our best.

Thanks, Jack. Bye for now.
This is ScotIand at the time
the temperature dropped.

This thing Iooks just Iike a hurricane.
OnIy hurricanes don't form over Iand.
-Good evening, sir.
-Hey, HaroId.

-Thanks, Victor. See you in the morning.
-Right, sir.

-TerribIe weather.
-TeII me about it.

You Iive here?
Just on the weekends.
It's my dad's pIace.
He's kind of never around, so. . . .

Where is he?
Skiing in Europe with my stepmom.
