The Ladykillers

- Well, l could go talk to him if you,,,
- ''Left My Wallet in El Segundo,''

- He left his wallet?
- Hippity-hop music!

You know, they calls it hippity-hop music,
but it don't make me
want to go hippity-hop,

And Othar don't like that music neither,
- lt's been disturbin' Othar then, has it?
- Well, how could it help but do?

''Left My Wallet in El Segundo''!
And, Sheriff, do you know what they call
colored folks in them songs?

Have you got any idea?
- No, ma'am, l don't think,,,
- Niggers!

l don't even want to say the word,
Now, l won't say it twice,

- l can tell you that, l say it one time,,,
- Yes, ma'am,

,,,in the course of swearin'
down my complaint,

- Yes'm,
- Niggers!

2000 years after Jesus!
30 years after Martin Luther King!

The age of Montel!
- Mm-mm-mm!
- Sweet lord of mercy,

- is that where we at?
- Mm-hm,

Weemack down to Pascagoula
and gettin' hisself

a big ol' thumpety stereo
so he can listen to that trash!

- Sheriff, you got to help that boy,
- You want me to help him?

Extend that helpin' hand,
Show an interest,

- Well, we're here to help,
- Well, God bless you for that,

You don't want to be tried
and found wantin',

- No, ma'am,
- No, many, many done

tunkalow parzen, Sheriff,
Many, many done tunkalow parzen,

Many what, ma'am?
You been tried and found wantin'!
You don't want that writin' on the wall,

Oh, no, ma'am,
Don't want that on the wall,

- Feast of Balthazar,
- Yeah, that sounds good,

The apostle John said, ''Behold,
there's a stranger in our midst,,,

- ,,,come to destroy us,''
- Yes, ma'am,

Come, let us go back...
:04:50 God
go back

- Oh, come on
- Let's go back to God

- Let us go back
- Let's go back to God
