The Ladykillers

Listen up! Jackass,
l saw the muthafucka in a porno!

The thang still worked!
lt looked like a chewed-up frank,

but that little muthafucka
be workin' that muthafucka!

lt's mangly, but he be fuckin' the bitch
all kind of ways with a twisted dick!

Oh! Your fuckin' finger just moved!
The muthafucka movin' slow now!

l'm not gettin' that shit,
Fuck that! You're on your own there!

They usin' the house
to practice music,,, of the Rococo,

l propose we get our fallen comrade
to the hospital,

The General will follow when
he manages to recover the severed digit,

No, no, really, l'm perfectly all right,
l don't know what all the fuss is about,

- Good news! Good news!
- Pickles! Go get him!

The house is in apple-pie order,
though we do have to get
medical attention for Mr, Pancake,

who, durin' the disturbance, pinched
his finger in the valve of his sackbut,

You let the cat out!
Wha,,,? The General is even now
exercisin' every effort in retrievin'

your mischievous little Pickles,
Please, go on,

Go on and enjoy the concert!
Driver! Au revoir, mesdames,

Dorr Despite our setback,
we find ourselves on schedule

to penetrate the vault here this afternoon,
while Mrs, Munson is at church,

havin' blasted that little old rock to pieces
durin' Mrs, Munson's choir practice,

Garth, can you run us through the
game plan for what remains of our tunnel?

Of course, Why, it's child's play now,
Easiest thing in the world,

Only a couple of feet
separate us from the vault,

Just the usual spadework
until we get to the masonry of the vault,

and then we just drill through,
And will you be able to wield the drill
with your maimed extremity?

Oh, well, yeah, l should think so,
Yeah, it's, uh, it's only one finger,

lnhibits me in doing finer work of course,
l'll always have to live with that,
