The Librarian: Quest for the Spear

You already have, what,
four degrees in Egyptology?

Flynn, do you really need a fifth?
I'm weak on the Second Dynasty,
and I'm relatively useless on the Sixth.

How many degrees
do you have in total, Flynn?

- Not that many.
- I checked your transcript.

You have 22.
Professor, school is what I know.
It's what I'm good at.

It's where I feel most like myself.
You've been in this class
with these kids for three months now.

Do you even know their names?
- Of course I do.
- Oh, come on.

That's insulting.
Okay, I don't know anybody's name.

The reason is because
we all use nicknames.

Sweater guy.
Right back at you.
You're a professional student, Flynn.
You're avoiding life.
This is a serious problem
that I will no longer enable.

Professor, I have a very full life...
Oh, come on, don't give me that.
Have you ever been out of the city?
When was the last time
you went dancing or to a ball game?

Okay, wait a second now!
- What is it exactly that you're doing...?
- You need to find a job, Flynn!

To get some real-life experiences.
Flynn, I've already spoken
with the administration.

- And I have signed off on your degree here.
- No, no.

- It's the middle of the semester!
- Yes, it is.

- I can't sign up for a program for months.
- Exactly.

No, no. Please, no. Don't.
All I wanna do is learn.
We never stop learning, Flynn. Never.
It's only where we learn that changes.
And it's about time you started doing it
in the big, bad real world.

- Professor...
- Sink or swim, Flynn.

- Professor...
- No, no, look ahead, that way.

Come on.
Good luck.
Off you go.
