The Librarian: Quest for the Spear

They were a splinter group...
...back when the Library was
in Alexandria in ancient times.

They were scholars too, but they wished
to use the powers of the artifacts to rule.

They got their name from the serpent
that brought knowledge to Adam and Eve.

Disagreement led to hatred,
hatred led to a secret war.

They incited the riot that led
to the destruction of the first Library.

Well, then we better call the police.
Oh, yeah, call the police.
Tell them about the Spear of Destiny,
the golden goose, the lost Ark.

Enjoy your stay in the psych ward.
I understand Thorazine
comes in vanilla now.

Nobody can understand the mysteries of the
Library tradition unless they experience it.

You are the only one who can
bring the Spear piece back.

No. No, no.
There's gotta be somebody
more qualified.

Flynn, you are the only one for the task.
You are the only one on Earth
for the task.

Look at it this way...
...if you come back, you'll be a hero.
Well, that sounds very...
- If I come back?
- Things aren't as bad as they look.

When she says, if I come back,
I'm hearing I'm not coming back.

I don't wanna go if I can't come back.
They didn't take the book.
If you ever wanna hide something,
hide it in plain sight.

This book contains all the clues you'll need
to locate the other two pieces of the Spear.

The only thing that I know
for certain is that...

...the second piece is somewhere
in the Amazon jungle.

Well, good, that narrows it down
to about 3 million square miles.

Time is money. Come on.
- Is this the Language of the Birds?
- Yes.

Mankind's universal language.
That is, before God decided that man
should speak many tongues...

...after the Tower of Babel.
