The Librarian: Quest for the Spear

Your mother's English, your father's South
American, Argentinean, but you never...

You never bothered to learn Spanish.
You never had any pets.
Your favorite stone is jade.
And you wish more than anything that
you could forget half of what you've seen.

But you can't.
- Well, I could do the same thing about you.
- Be my guest.

Fair enough.
The last Librarian...
...Edward Wilde.
Edward was charming.
Absolutely brilliant.
We spent two years working together.
Two incredible years.
But he wasn't just smart.
He was generous, kind.
He could look into your eyes...
...and see right into your soul.
And I did the one thing I'm
not supposed to do on this job.

I fell in love with him.
And because of that, he's dead.
We were in the Antarctic.
We were sleeping in an igloo
that he built.

When I woke up in the morning,
he wasn't there.

And I ran outside just in time to
see the Serpent Brotherhood...

...cutting off his head.
